Arizona Highlands Midwifery
VBAC / Breech Birth
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
“Many women are candidates for vaginal birth after cesarean. In fact, research on women who attempt a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) shows that about 60 to 80 percent have a successful vaginal delivery.”
-Mayo Clinic Staff
There are many options for VBAC in Arizona- Hospital birth, Birth Center and Home Birth. With 20 years of experience attending VBACs, trust in your body, and awareness of the risks, I look forward to discussing all of your options. Give a call to schedule a free conversation. I encourage you to learn about the benefits and risks of VBAC/TOLAC to help you inform your decision.
Info from the National Institutes of Health
Breech Delivery
Breech Delivery
Confidence in breech delivery is an art of midwifery that has been largely lost in the medical world. In the right circumstances, vaginal breech delivery is a good option for many families. We provide an out of hospital option for vaginal breech delivery.
Please reach out for more information, and to discover if vaginal breech is the right option for you.